Tag Archives: employee productivity

Why I Became a Weight Watchers Leader.

Since last June when I re-joined Weight Watchers, I have lost a total of 67 pounds!
It has been an amazing journey to date. I have discovered a wealth of self-motivation strategies that I use, to regain a healthy life style. You do this by consciously choosing to re-invest in yourself through healthier choices and recommit to health & wellness.
Having reinvigorated myself, I decided to share my experiences as a Group Leader. I’ll be facilitating weekly member meetings. During these meetings, members share their challenges in a friendly and nurturing environment by recounting the stress they face in overcoming shared experiences and coping strategies.
They are in effect “in it” together and committed to helping each other in achieving their goals.
Why does this matter in careers and business?
Many of the exact SAME guiding principles that people face in making wiser decisions about their health in can be applied to work-life balance decisions and their careers and professional pursuits. Choosing to pursue more positive individual, group, and organizational goals driven by empathy and emotional intelligence lead to more positive outcomes achieved in organizations.
Creating positive environments at work that nurture people’s spirit with intrinsic motivation and surrounding employees with positive people who share their values, behave morally and exert positive influence will lead to greater success in one’s goals. Achieving a healthier lifestyle enables us to more aggressively and confidently pursuing our work and career passions, to building more compassionate cultures.
These choices we make for ourselves and in helping others all serve to optimize workplace productivity, more successfully engage and empower employees, and enable you to gain lasting competitive advantage.
Stay tuned…
As I take on this new role I will be reporting back how leading a group of committed individuals on their path to a healthier lifestyle can be applied to one’s career, professional pursuits and be leveraged organizational success.
Here’s to an amazing 2018!
Ethan, Chief Motivation Officer
The Chazin Group, LLC
201.683.3399 | 917.239.5571 | Ethan@TheChazinGroup.com