The Compassionate Organization

Two of my proudest moments…publishing my books on how to conduct an effective job search in any market, and the power of building world-class cultures for lasting competitive success.


In 2018 I authored my 2nd book, The Compassionate Organization and the people that love to work for them. I spent eight years exploring how organizations build cultures that thrive by leveraging trust, ethics, and a moral compass. I found that the SINGLE characteristic ALL of the most (financially) successful organizations anywhere in the world share is a strong culture built on serving employees.

They do this by developing and living compassionate Vision/Mission statements and Core values. They apply best practices to build CARING workplace cultures including: talent acquisition and retention strategies, emotional intelligence, effective communications, branding, diversity, inclusion and belonging, employee engagement, motivation, and empowerment.

This isn’t just touchy-feely stuff. In a post-Covid pandemic world, these compassionate workplaces are exactly what employees expect when they enter into the employee-employer “contract.” In short, they now demand to be treated this way. The days of one employer per career are long gone. In today’s “contract” economy, workers change jobs between eight to ten times by the time they reach 35 years old. Mature workers and Baby Boomers are leaving the workplace by the tens of thousands every day.

This mass exodus of the Mature workforce and Baby Boomers coincides with Millennial and Generation Z employees taking over roles of increasing importance within organizations. Organizations have been “flattening out” their employee ranks by casting off layers of middle management the last few decades. With this huge transfer in the balance of power from older to younger American workers, Millennials bring with them into the workplace a new set of organizational values, beliefs about work, and a set of ethics and expectations about appropriate organizational behavior.

Millennials expect that the organizations they work for (and buy from) share their values, possess a moral compass, and must care for the environment. Thus, understanding how to build and maintain a compassionate organization should be top of mind for anyone tasked with launching, growing, staffing and leading an organization. Treating your people with respect, loyalty and trust leads to a more engaged, empowered, productive and thus…PROFITABLE workforce.

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About the Author

Ethan spent 20 years in Corporate America in leadership roles at Reuters, Time Warner Cable and Dun & Bradstreet before launching his motivational speaking, business coaching and employee training and development consultancy and authored his first book, “Bulletproof Your Career in Turbulent Times.”

As the Founder of The Chazin Group LLC, he has taught at ten colleges & Universities, spoken to 50 academic institutions, presented to 15,000 individuals on the state of today’s global contract workplace. Ethan has been fortunate to assist over 250 organizations in transforming from good to great by implementing world-class organizational cultures that engage, motivate, reward, recognize, coach/mentor, empower, and unleash their people to achieve their untapped full potential. He has also given talks to over 3,000 entrepreneurs on how to plan, launch and grow successful business ventures by unleashing their talents.

He coaches organizations to successfully transform using people-driven strategies. He employs a customized engagement for every client that taps into the very soul of their culture by asking them what their purpose is (the “WHY” we exist, and explore “WHAT IF’s”) as a guiding moral compass.