Want to start 2010 on the right foot? How about returning those phone calls that you ignored or put off? You probably cut back drastically or avoided many business discussions last year, as you took a “wait and see” approach. Now is the perfect time to pull your head out of the sand and re-engage with those potential partners, suppliers, clients and vendors.
Make a prioritized list ranked from high to low of potential return on these people that reached out to you. Begin calling people back. You will be amazed at all the business opportunities that you have missing. You probably missed out on many special offers, discounts, lease renewals, restructuring terms on agreements, office space rental, and much more.
You road to success in 2010 should be all about making a comeback. Nothing prevents your own progress more than burying you head in the sand and hoping that external forces make your current business climate more favorable. Seize the moment…go into every potential discussion as a new opportunity to generate new revenues, reduce costs, of build strategic partnerships.
The longer you wait, the more likely the chance that the people who called you trying to pursue opportunities have moved on. Perhaps they contacted your direct competitors, as well. What if your competitors take advantage of those new opportunities instead of you?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Don’t sit on the sidelines hoping for Divine Intervention in the form of stimulus funding or that one RAINMAKER deal to materialize. Get on the phone, start talking to people. You were successful before by pursuing every opportunity, so…
Make it happen again in 2010!