The Chazin Group Turns Ten

I Am Proud to Announce That The Chazin Group Turns Ten This Month.
Back in 2004, I launched The Chazin Group while toiling away working for others, as a way of unleashing my passion for helping others.  It was really just an interest of mine at the time, that I pursued when I wasn’t working.
The focus back then was to help as many people as possible realize the goal of finding their ideal dream job, or successfully going out on their own to start their own business.
It has been quite a journey since then, with MANY ups and downs along the way.  My travels have taken me all over the country, from senior citizen centers to prisons, military bases, community centers, Chambers of Commerce, business incubators.
I have spoken to over 500 High School students, given talks in 50 colleges and Universities, taught as an adjunct professor, authored the book “Bulletproof Your Career in These Turbulent Times,” appeared in the media and on television, launched MeetUp groups, given job boot camps, and conducted a weekly radio program: “Chazin The Dream” on pursuing one’s passions and interests.
In 2009, I left Corporate America to dedicate my efforts full-time to focusing on serving clients.
So after TEN YEARS spent conducting 500 presentations to 12,000 job seekers, and coaching and consulting with 750 businesses (many of which were start-ups and entrepreneurs) I feel like I am only now just beginning to make a difference.
I have met so many insanely talented and motivated people along the way who for many reasons were never fully appreciated by their employers or given the opportunity to rise.  So many supremely talented people were forced to go out on their own after careers of being under-appreciated, under-compensated, and often downsized, outsourced, and off-shored.
By staying true to my commitment to help others achieve their life’ and career goals, I have been able to live my own dream by maintaining a clarity of focus and sense of purpose in doing what I do.
And after a decade of this roller coaster ride called being in business for oneself I am more energized than ever.
To all the folks that I have been fortunate enough to work with, I want to take time out to say “Thank you” for the trust you exhibited in me.
To those folks that I have not had the good fortune of working with yet…why not give me a call to discuss how you too can realize your life’s pursuits and find your passions whether that means going out on your own or finding your DREAM job!
If you love what you do you’ll never work another day in your life.
Start pursuing your dreams NOW!  Life is simply too short to toil away in jobs that don’t fulfill your passions, expertise, and interests.

Ethan Chazin, The Compassionate Executive Coach, Management Consultant, Business Coach
No Organization is Too Small to Plan Big.